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The trade union movement in India has a history of over 125 years. The seeds of unionism were sown along with freedom struggle. The Britishers who brought the Industrial Revolution with them also brought in its ill-effects such as exploitation of the labour class, discrimination between men and women, hostile working conditions, perpetuation of child labour etc., which gave rise to emergence of unions. The workforce employed in Postal and Railway Departments as also in Textiles, Jute and other industries organised trade unions and contributed their mite to the freedom struggle.

The trade union movement in the Banking industry began in the early 40's with the active support of Central Trade Unions. The officers' organisations sprang up in the early 60's in State Bank and other Banks. During the last 40 years, the officers in the banking industry have consolidated their position and built up a strong industry level organisation under the banner of AIBOC.

The National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education is a wing of All India State Bank Officers' Federation. The Federation appointed a sub-committee for a review of its functioning and make appropriate recommendations for widening our Trade union activities. One of the recommendations was to set up an academy exclusively devoted for development of the trade union activities. The launching of NATURE in the year 1991 was in response to the recommendations of the Sub-committee.

As a strong and militant organisation, the Federation has played a predominant role in organising and strengthening AIBOC. The Executive Committee of the Federation, in one of its meetings observed that in the field of trade union education and research, not much efforts have been made either by the central trade unions or independent Federations. Need was therefore felt for the unions in the organised sector like banking to come forward to take up the work of education and research in the sphere of trade union movement. Accordingly, our Federation has set up an organisation to take up this responsibility.

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sabapathy soumya y.s. DSR
Ramkumar Sabapathy Soumya Datta Y. Sudarshan D. Shyam Sunder Rao
A. Sai Prasad G.D. Nadaf G. Muthuswamy B.S. Ravindra  

 Registered Under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.727/MDS
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