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 The All India State Bank Officers' Federation represents over 1,06,000 Officers of the State Bank of India membership of the Federation extends to Officers belonging to Junior, Middle level as also Senior Grades performing functions such as Assistant Managers, Deputy Managers, Managers, Chief Managers, Assistant General Managers and Deputy General Managers of over 27,000 Branches/Offices of the State Bank throughout the Country. The Federation was founded in the year 1965. It had 17 affiliates. Its Central Office is situated in Bangalore. It has branch offices in Mumbai. The Federation is an Apolitical and Independent Trade Union. It is led by serving Bank Officers only. It is affiliated with All India Bank Officers' Confederation, which is also an Apolitical & Independent Trade Union. The Federation is recognised by the SBI Management. The Federation is a partner in bipartite and tripartite forums established in the Bank for negotiations, consultations, customer service, community service banking, welfare schemes etc. It firmly believes in finding solutions to all problems through bilateral negotiations. Com. Rupam Roy is the President and Com. Deepak Kumar Sharma is the General Secretary of the Federation.
The Federation is committed to the objectives for which the banks were Nationalised. It actively participates in and supports all schemes and measures initiated by the Government for ameliorating the poorer sections of the society’s priority sectors of the economy. The All India State Bank Officers' Federation has a unique distinction of having gone on 17 days Indefinite Strike from 10th June 1969 to 26th June 1969, the first Managerial Cadre strike in the world. It was a path-breaking strike which paved the way for the improvement of the Service Conditions of Officers and the growth of the Officers' Trade Union Movement in India. For the second time, the All India State Bank Officers' Federation and the All India State Bank of India Staff Federation jointly went on a Historic Indefinite Strike from 3rd to 9th April 2006, demanding the upgradation of the pension scheme in State Bank of India. The Strike was total throughout the country. It created very strong pressure on the Government of India. Finally, they had to sit with both Federations to sort out the issue to our satisfaction. The Indefinite Strike enthused millions of workers in organized and unorganized sectors. It proved once again that the united action of Labour will never fail. The Federation has also brought out a documentary on Indefinite Strikes titled "Union is Strength“

The Central Office of the Federation is provided with all infrastructure which is necessary for maintaining an efficient communication system between the Affiliates, Membership and Management in a most systematic manner. Apart from issuing circulars and other communications to grass-root level members through Email and providing them with day-to-day information through the Website on the activities of the organisation to keep them about of the latest development. The Federation has been publishing a monthly magazine known as "Officers' Cause". The journal is being released on the 15th of every month regularly. The journal started its publication in the year 1981 and is a source of information to the grass-root level members throughout the country. Copies of the journal reach all the 27,000 and odd branches of SBI keeping the members informed of the activities of the Federation. Apart from "Officers' Cause", the Federation has also been instrumental in bringing out "Common Bond" another monthly journal, the ownership of which has since been transferred to AIBOC. "Common Bond", commenced in 1981. Thus both these journals have completed 5 decades of service to the officers' fraternity. In order to equip our Office-Bearers and activists with skills in defending their colleagues facing disciplinary proceedings, the Federation launched a quarterly journal "Domestic Enquiry", in the year 1997. The publication has been well received. Likewise, during the year 2004, the Federation commenced yet another publication titled "Labour Research". This bi-monthly publication has become quite papular not only in the Financial Sector but also among the entire Trade Union fraternity. With a view to providing further fillip to the movement, the Federation set up an Academy in the name of 'The National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education (N.A.T.U.R.E.). In the year 1991. Periodical Training Programmes are conducted by the Academy to groom activists of our affiliates as potential leaders. Trade Unions in the organized sector cannot ignore the teeming millions of people who are living below the poverty line, the unorganized labour force, the downtrodden, child labour, bonded labour and millions of illiterate agricultural and other workers. We have to respond to rganizations that are well off should spare a portion of their resources towards social service. The Federation has also taken up the task of several other publications. The important ones are "An Aide to Defence Representatives" and" Comprehensive compendium on Superannuation Benefits in SBI, Medical Benefit Scheme to Retired Employees, Information Technology Act, a comprehensive compendium of current wage settlements in Banks/RBI, Insurance etc., etc. The magnum-opus was a "CD on Model Enquiry" brought out during the year, 2004, which has become quite popular. The Federation aims to achieve through constructive cooperation with the Management and the Government, maximum efficiency in banking operations, balanced spread of banking to different regions, high-quality customer service, development of human resources, modernisation of systems and procedures, prevention of wasteful expenditure and frauds and to generate stable and harmonious industrial relations.

 Registered Under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.727/MDS
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