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11. Financial Year

 11.1      The Financial year of the Federation shall be 1st January to 31st December.

12. General Council

12.1      On admission and thereafter once in every three years in the month of April, or on such date as decided by the Executive Committee, each Affiliate/Associate Member shall be required to nominate 20 members to form the General Council of the Federa­tion. Such nominations shall be on Form-III.

 12.2      The members so nominated to the General Council, shall hold office during the pleasure of the Affiliate/Associate Member and the Affiliate/Associate Member shall have the right to recall a member and substitute another in his place, by notice on Form-IV to the Federation. Such notice shall be signed by the President and General Secretary of the Affiliate. 

12.3      Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 12.2, if the member of the General Council recalled or substituted by  the Affiliates, happens to be an Office-bearer of the Federation, such recalling or substitution shall take effect only after the Executive Committee of the Federation has met and made alterna­tive arrangement for taking charge from such office-bearer, so however that if the Executive Committee fails to make such ar­rangement within a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of notice on Form-IV, the recall and/or substitution, shall take effect at the end of the period of 3 months and the office-bearer shall  be deemed to have vacated his post. 

12.4      If before the expiry of the period of 3 months after a notice on Form-IV is received from an Affiliate an ordinary or special meeting of the General Council is held, the member recalled or substituted shall be permitted to attend such meeting but shall not be entitled to vote on any motion before the house or to participate in the election. 

12.5      The Executive Committee shall nominate from out of the ordinary members such number of members on the General Council as may be necessary to provide reasonable representation to the ordinary members.  

12.6      Members nominated by the Executive Committee shall hold office during the pleasure of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee shall have the right to recall a member and substitute another in his place. 

12.7      The provisions of clauses 12.3 and 12.4 shall apply in the case of the nominees of the Executive Committee also. 

12.8      The General Council shall be the Supreme body of the Federa­tion and shall have powers to take all decisions relating to policy matters. 

13.  Executive Committee

13.1      The Executive Committee shall comprise the members of the Secretariat and one additional member nominated by each affili­ate/Associate Member and 5 members from
Associate Banks’ Officers’ Association. The Executive Committee may co-opt such number of ordinary  mem­bers as may be deemed necessary in the interest of  the organisa­tion. 

13.2      If in the opinion of the Executive Committee, it is expedient so to do, the committee may by nomination, provide representation to women, specialists, sportsmen, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and to such other group or category of Officers as may be deemed appropriate. 

13.3      The total number of persons nominated under Bye-law 13.2 shall not exceed 5. The term of the members so nominated shall ordinar­ily be one year. They shall however be eligible for renomination. 

13.4      The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the imple­mentation of the policies and programmes laid  down by the General Council or other directions given by the General Council. The Executive Committee shall have power to take such decisions as may be necessary in an emergent situation or where matters are urgent  and cannot without prejudice to the interests of the  organisation, wait for the General Council to meet. 

13.5      The Executive Committee shall have powers to set up/ float new wings/forums and frame appropriate guidelines therefor for the purpose of implementation of the  objectives laid down in the bye-laws of the Federation. all such proposals/directives shall be placed in the immediate session of the General Council for ratification.           


14.1      the President, Vice-presidents, General Secretary, Deputy General Secretaries and secretaries shall collectively, constitute the Secretariat.  

14.2      The Secretariat shall look after the general administration and perform other functions as may be assigned to it, by the Executive Committee.


15.1      The following Office-bearers shall be elected by the Gener­al Council:  

                      One President

                      Fifteen Vice-Presidents

                      One General Secretary

                      One Joint General Secretary from Mumbai Affiliate, where the Corporate Centre is situated.

                      One Dy. General Secretary from each affiliated organisation/Associate Member

                      Six Secretaries and Five Administrative Secretaries.


16.1      Elections to the various posts of Office-bearers shall be held at the Triennial Conference of the General Council. 

16.2      The General Council shall appoint as Returning Officer a member of the Council who declares in writing that he is not a candidate for any post for which elections are to be conducted.  

16.3      Only the members of the Council shall be eligible to contest the elections. 

16.4      Candidature of every contestant shall be proposed and sec­onded by two separate members.

16.5      Elections shall be held by secret ballot.


17.1      The tenure of office-bearers and members of the Executive Commit­tee shall be 3 years. They shall, however, continue to hold office till elections are held at next Triennial Session of the General Council.

 17.2      Members nominated on the Executive Committee under Bye-law 13.1 shall hold Office during the pleasure of the respective body which nominated them.


18.1      If in the opinion of the Executive Committee the conduct of any office-bearer or member of the Executive Committee is likely to bring the Federation into contempt or disrepute or endanger the unity and integrity of the Federation or if the member has acted contrary to the advice, directive policy or resolution of the Executive Committee or the General Council or has refused to comply with such advice, directive policy or resolution, the Executive Committee shall have the power to remove from office such office-bearer or member of Executive Committee.

18.2      The Executive Committee shall also have powers to terminate the Affiliation/Associate membership of an organisation if any mem­ber, Office-bearer or a representative of such organisation engages in acts violative of the discipline of the Federation and despite directive issued by the   Executive  Committee  of the Feder­ation that appropriate disciplinary action be taken by such organisation against its errant member, Office-bearer or repre­sentative, the organisation neglects, ails or refuses to take such action. The Executive Committee shall also have powers to terminate the affiliation/Associate Membership of an organisation on any other ground  mentioned in clause (1) of this Bye-law. 

18.3      Any Affiliate/Associate Member or Office-bearer or member of  Executive  Committee  against whom action is contemplated shall be informed about the charges and allegations against him and shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard. 

18.4      A member or Office-bearer removed from membership/office of any organisation whose affiliation/Associate Membership is termi­nated by the Executive Committee
may appeal to the General Coun­cil at its next meeting.


19.1      Vacancies of office-bearers caused by death, resignation or removal or cessation of posts which are not filled-up through elections at the General Council for any other reason may be filled by Co-option by the Executive Committee. 

19.2      Vacancies of members of Executive committee may be filled up by co-option on the recommendations of the concerned affili­ate


20.1      The General Council of the Federation shall meet once in three years, at such a place as may be decided by the Executive Committee or Secretariat. 

20.2      The Executive Committee shall meet once in four months or as frequently as may be necessary. 

20.3      The Secretariat shall meet once a month or as often as may be necessary. 

20.4      Extra-ordinary meetings of the General Council or Executive Committee may be called on requisition by 1/3rd the number of members of the respective bodies. 

20.5      One month’s notice should be given for meetings of General Council, and one week’s notice for Executive Committee Meetings. Meetings of Secretariat may be called by giving 3 days’ notice. 

20.6      Quorum for the meetings of General Council/Executive Commit­tee/Secretariat shall be equal to half the number  of the members of the respective bodies.  

20.7      Special meetings of the General Council/Executive Committee/Secretariat may be called by the President if  he is satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the interest
of the Federation. The Quorum for such meetings shall be the same as other meetings of these bodies.


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